Academic Education 02/2024 - Studying Unip Technologist in Systems Analysis and Development Studying the 2nd semester in In-person mode at night with a workload of 2,520 hours - Completion in 2025 01/2022 - 06/2023 Etec Profº Basilides de Godoy Systems Development Technician On-site course of 1 year and a half and total workload of 1,200 hours — Concluded in 2023 12/2021 High school Extracurricular courses Extracurricular courses 09/2020 Paula Souza Center design and photoshop 30-hour online course 08/2020 Paula Souza Center arduino 30-hour online course 06/2019 - 12/2019 CEDESP Microcomputer Operator Courses with a workload of 320 hours certified by SENAI 01/2019 - 06/2019 CEDESP Installer Electrician with NR10 Courses with a workload of 320 hours certified by SENAI Hard Skills HTML5 / CSS3 95% JavaScript 65% PHP 85% ASP.NET 85% mysql 80% flutter 90% soft skills Communication Collaboration Creativity Proactivity Critical Thinking Problem Resolution Interpersonal relationship Certifications arduino bLjhf83oKB August 12, 2020 design and photoshop 4mE5Ba1h52 September 8, 2020